Frontiersmen Membership (LIFE) - The Frontiersmen Far East Command is a registered association and funds our website and collateral production from members. There are no personnels on salary, wages or allowances.
Members on this subscription will receive:
a. Frontiersmen Certificate of membership
b. Maritime Frontiers bulletin (E-edition)
c. Notification of international visits/ trips and events
d. Limited edition of the Frontiersmen Far East Command Commander Coin
e. Limited edition of the Frontiersmen bi-centernnial Singapore patch (1819-2019)
f. Frontiersmen bullion stitched beret crest (less beret)
g. 8 Frontiersmen buttons/cuff links (20 mm)
h. 6 Frontiersmen buttons/cuff links (16.5 mm)
Membership (LIFE)
The product description is provided to the best ability and photo quality available. Buyers should request for additional photos or information when in doubt