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Frontiersmen Membership (THREE YEARS) - The Frontiersmen Far East Command is a registered association and funds our website and collateral production from members. There are no personnels on salary, wages or allowances. 


Members on this subscription will receive: 

a. Frontiersmen Certificate of membership

b. Maritime Frontiers bulletin (E-edition)

c. Notification of international visits/ trips and events

d. Limited edition of the Frontiersmen Far East Command Commander Coin

e. Limited edition of the Frontiersmen bi-centernnial Singapore patch (1819-2019)

Membership (THREE YEARS)

SKU: 20203



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    The Legion of Frontiersmen (Far East Command) is registered in Singapore and gazette notification effecting the registration was published in the Government Gazette vide Notification Number 574 under the registration T18SS0035B.

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