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International Training Conference in Orlando, Florida (December 2019)

The volunteer law enforcement officer alliance (VLEOA) is a non-profit and non-government organisation established in the United States (US) to promote training and international network amongst international law enforcement and volunteer officers across all uniformed services. Every year, a sponsoring state agrees to organise training workshops for over 150 – 200 law enforcement volunteers around the world. Celebrating their 10 anniversary, the 2019 VLEOA international conference was hosted by the Orange County Sheriff Office (OCSO) at Orlando, Florida.

Frontiersmen at VLEOA international conference (Dec 2019)

(Pic: J. Lee)

In 2020, VLEOA introduced the Certified Volunteer Policing Leader (CVPL) to accredit and provide certification for members who meet qualifying criteria of dedicated service to law enforcement and community service. Dr Matthew Yap serves in the VLEOA as board of directors and international area director. For more information, visit





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The Legion of Frontiersmen (Far East Command) is registered in Singapore and gazette notification effecting the registration was published in the Government Gazette vide Notification Number 574 under the registration T18SS0035B.

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